Proposed Schedule of Upcoming Courses
Fall 2025
SOC 101 Foundations of Society - 4 sections
MW 9:00 Borlu
TTh 1:30; 3:00 Troia
MW 3:00 Dugan
SOC 211 Sociological Research Methods - TTh 9:00 Oware
SOC 221 Sociological Theory - MW 1:30 Payne
SOC 315 Making America's Wars - MW 10:30 Payne
SOC 379 Special Topics courses - 2 sections
TTh 10:30 Troia "Gender, Sexuality and the Body"
Tuesday 1:30-4:00 Faulk "Sociology of Higher Education"
SOC 401 Capstone seminar - Monday 7:00-9:30 PM Hass
ANTH 101 Introduction to Cultural Anthropology - 6 sections
MW 3:00; 4:30 Dorsey
TTh 9:00; 10:30 Olayiwola
TTh 3:00; 4:30 Nourse
ANTH 211 Field Methods in Ethnography MW 10:30 Diaz-Barriga
ANTH 302 Health Inequities in International Perspective MW 3:00 Nourse
ANTH 305 Health and Migration MW 9:00 Diaz-Barriga
ANTH 310 Food and Culture MW 1:30 Diaz-Barriga
ANTH 379 Special Topics courses - 2 sections
TTh 1:30 Sweis "Humanitarianism and Global Health: Anthropological Perspectives on Helping those in Need"
TTh 12:00 Olayiwola "Money and Survival in West Africa"