Dr. Glyn Hughes
Glyn's work at the University of Richmond is part academic inquiry, part university administration, and part student development, integrated by a justice-centered approach to institutional and social change. Glyn's ongoing research and programmatic interests include racial justice, sexuality and gender, and organizational change.
Selected Publications
Journal Articles
Hughes, G. "Racial Justice, Hegemony, and Bias Incidents in US Higher Education," Multicultural Perspectives, 15(3), 126-132.
Hughes, G. "Managing Black Guys: Representation, Corporate Culture, and the NBA," Sociology of Sport Journal., 21, 163-184.
Book ChaptersHughes, G. Revisiting the" Men Problem" in Introductory Women's Studies Classes. Teaching Introduction to Women's Studies: Student Expectations and Classroom Strategies, Winkler, B.S. & DiPalma, C. (Eds.). Greenwood Publishing Group.